Thursday, September 4, 2014

Cheers to Emma Sulkowicz

             …So if another victim of rape, a young lady three years my junior, has the moxie to carry around a mattress with her full time to send out her message, I think I can blog about it.
                About two and a half months ago, I was raped.

                Some people would refer to what happened as date rape or even “gray area rape,” but those who are educated would just call it rape. All the “gray area” term really accomplishes is making me think it’s more my fault and less legitimate that the whole ordeal should have an effect on me. So the first lesson here is never to refer to anything as gray area rape. Lack of consent + sex = rape. Moving along..
                Many of my friends have seen me since, and would never guess any such thing had occurred. Unlike the brave young lady taking a stand, I was unwilling to shout about my assault from the rooftops, or let it effect me in any way really. But as a cheery open book-type individual, and as a lifelong advocate for domestic violence survivors, I guess I should start by standing up for me.
                There’s no right way to handle or cope with this situation. I commend the Columbia student because she made her problem everyone’s problem, as it truly is. Rape isn’t just her problem, or my problem, or my countless friends who have slowly joined me as statistics problem. This is every college student’s problem and thus every college’s problem, every NFL participant or viewer, every mother and father, daughter and son. Everyone who has ever listened to or supported Cee Lo Green in any way. You get the picture.
                It didn’t happen to me because I’m a slut, because I’m unintelligent or uninformed on the issue, or because I’m reckless. My outfit that night didn’t rape me, nor did my blood alcohol level.
                 Some stupid privileged boy did.
                And I’m willing to bet he has no idea he even did it. The next day he texted me saying he had “had so much fun hanging out.” I vomit. And I blame him, but I don’t.
                Sure I repeatedly refused. Sure he had no right. But somewhere along the line, he learned that to be acceptable behavior. He’s a monster in many ways, but more of a Godzilla than anything. An amalgamation of all of the crap New York City (I mean our culture)  has to offer…
                 I don’t want pity or condolences, I want awareness. That this can happen to anyone, and happen at the hands of even the sweetest guy you think you know. That sex without consent is as far from okay as it gets. That we live in a world where people say “I raped that test” and have no idea who they’re triggering or how they’re minimizing other’s nightmares in the process. That we all need to look out for each other and treat one another as the beautiful fragile beings we really are.
                As a final disclaimer, I’m really okay, it’s rape culture that isn’t. So if you’re reading this and feeling sorry for me, or Emma Sulkowicz, stop and instead expand that sentiment into your behaviors, actions, awareness of and beliefs towards this omnipresent issue.  

1 comment:

  1. Wow. It was incredibly brave of you to post this. Thank you for being yet another strong woman to bring a voice to this important issue.
